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A note from the restaurant

While the restaurant is accessible, we unfortunately do not have street level accessibility to the restaurant. Please contact the restaurant if you require mobility assistance.

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A Library for New Year’s Eve

Ready to bid adieu to 2023 in style? Join us for a dazzling New Year’s Eve dinner in one of our 4 central London hotspots! 
Delicious bites, great company, and a rhythm to move your feet – let’s welcome 2024 with a feast and some festive beats.
Secure your spot, because this is where the celebration begins
In the heart of the city and within walking distance from so many of London’s major festive attractions, Cinnamon Club is “the” place to wine and fine dine. Join us for a NYE menu designed to convey history and nostalgia in a modern and innovative way.
In store for you is an extravagant 5 course dinner with live entertainment and music from The Cinnamon Club’s Jazz band. Combined with our signature drinks……you are sure to leave fulfilled – body and soul.


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